Saturday, February 07, 2009

Rough Week

GB had surgery on her foot Tuesday morning, and then began to have stomach pain Wednesday morning. By Wednesday evening the pain had become severe and Loy took her to the ER at midnight. I joined them there 30 minutes later because we were thinking that Loy would need help getting GB back home afterwards. We sat in the ER all night long, and finally got a CAT scan at about 5:45 AM. Then the ER doctor came in and said that there was a small bowel obstruction and that he had called GB's doctor and he was on his way in. Dr. G arrived at about 7:30 and said that he REALLLLLY wanted to avoid surgery so he wanted her to have an NG tube put in to drain the contents of her stomach and just let "everything rest" to see if the problem would resolve itself without surgery.
And here we are! Still.
The problem is still not resolved, but, thankfully no surgery! Each day that passes, we are just so thankful for each small improvement and that she hasn't had to have sugery.
GB's pain level is slowly decreasing, but she is still struggling with a lot of nausea. I have been spending the nights with her to help with anything she needs help with. It's very hard to get to the bathroom because she is not supposed to put ANY weight on her right foot.
Kris and Loy have been spending most of the daytime hours up here. Sometimes some of GB's friends drop in and there are LOTS of wonderful pray-ers. And Susan has been bringing the most delicious breakfast tacos and juice every morning! Unasked, and unexpected. Such a sweet and helpful blessing.
Loy is feeling tired and may be getting sick!! OH NO! Yall, please pray for strength and wellness for Loy!
On the home front: Erinn has been milking Scarlett and Sprite in the mornings, and feeding little Paquito (bottle baby) all day long, as well as doing her regular chores. I've been getting home sometime before noon most days and so I have been doing the noon and evening milkings. I think the first day was the only day that I was unable to cook supper and do evening animal chores. Everything has gone really smoothly since then. Mooky is taking care of breakfasts, and keeping up with his part of the animal chores as well as his regular list of house work.
With me gone all night and Kris gone all day, we are very thankful for such good hard working capable kids! There are a few small areas that need to be worked on, but overall things have gone very smoothly. I heard a story from a friend recently who went to spend time with a dying relative and while she was gone, her kids just "fell to pieces". Didn't know how to wash clothes, feed themselves, or even wash dishes! She suddenly realized that doing everything for her kids was doing them NO favour!
I am using GB's laptop, and the hospital has wireless internet. I didn't think of doing this until today, but I did get 3 cotton dish cloths crocheted! They don't look anything near as nice as the ones Kiwi and Halcy knit, but they'll do for washing dishes.


Heather Mitchell said...

We are praying for GB (and Loy = no illness). JoAnne keeps me posted. I love Susan. We will all miss her when she moves.

It's wonderful that you can be there for GB. What a testimony!

FourMileFarm said...

Thanks so much for praying, Heather! I didn't know you knew Joanne!