(I wrote this Friday but couldn't get Blogger to work all day long.)
I was so tired yesterday (Thursday) that I went to bed early and ended up being wide awake at 4 today thinking of all the things I need to do before the goat show tomorrow! I thought I better double check on the date of that show because I've had a lot on my mind lately and didn't want to mess up. Whew, it's a good thing I checked! The show is not until next Saturday. What a relief.
Kris has a dentist appointment today and we need have a lot of errands (not Erinns) to run because I did not get everything done yesterday despite being gone from 6AM until 5PM.
Kris took Erinn to GB's house on his way to work, and Mooky and I left home just 20 minutes after they left. We stopped in Fredericksburg to get fruit and a couple frozen "Amy's" gluten free dinners. We left Freds at 7:15 and got to Whole Foods in Austin before 9:30! The traffic was bad in one area, but we still got there way too early and had to wait an hour and a half for his doctor appt.
The appointment went well, but we know nothing more than before since we have to wait on test results. I liked the doctor, and she really seemed to listen and asked lots of good questions. They took some blood there, and sent us to the hospital in Fredericksburg for an ultrasound of his stomach. He had to fast for 6 hours before the ultrasound so he didn't eat from 10 until 4, which is a world record for him. It was SO HARD. He felt so awful and wasn't sure he'd live until 4! It ended up being about 4:30 before he could actually eat. After we left the hospital I went to the closest gas station and asked if they'd let me warm up his food. They were very nice about it, even though I hadn't bought it there, so he was relieved! We won't know any test results until mid next week. We discussed Dalton's hurt arm and prayed for him on the way home.
When we got home, Mooky unloaded the groceries, and I started feeding the animals. You'd think those Broilers would learn that every night they are supposed to go back in the pen from whence they came... but no! They must be herded in, and they go into a panic, and waddle around with their wings out screaming "Run! Run! It's a chicken eating monster with a long stick!" It must have been pretty windy while we were gone because the roof blew right off one of the pens and landed on a chicken, killing it. So, now we are down to 48 since we lost one a week or so ago due to leg problems. Butchering starts next week, when and if I ever recover from this week! :o) So, if you want a (not so brilliant) healthy home grown chicken, speak up now.
Ultrasound UPDATE!! Everything looked normal, praise the Lord!
Happy Birthday to HALCYON!!!!!! and Uncle Jack!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
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Do those home grown chickens ship well?! :)
I wish!! :o)
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