Friday, September 04, 2009

God is Good!

Well, to treat both kids for Lyme Disease is going to cost $425 or so for just the first month for prescriptions, plus the 4 kinds of probiotics I have to get at the health food store. Mum and Dad bought the herbal stuff from Doc that we needed, so that was a big help and a big blessing!

There is NO WAY that the insurance will pay for this.

So, we're sitting around talking about it and trying to figure out how we'll swing it this month, when suddenly I remembered that I had been saving money to buy a miniature milk cow. LOL

Aha! There's the money we need to cover this month's meds - thank you LORD!!!

So, I'm off to Fredericksburg in the morning to get the meds... the kids have already started the Artemisinin and the minerals.

I'm Back from town. UPDATE! It didnt cost $425 after all because I asked the pharmacist if they could match anyone's lower price and they said yes! So, I ended up paying $290 instead. YIPPEE! Then I headed to the health food store for probiotics. They were having a store wide 20% off sale. That was a savings of $12 more.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Lyme Disease

After being sick and running a fever every day for almost six months, and seeing many many doctors, Erinn has finally been diagnosed with Lyme Disease. We got her test results yesterday, September 1.

Mooky had a positive lyme test a couple years ago, and at that time he was too sick with stomach problems to be able to handle the treatment. So, now he and Erinn both will be treated for Lyme at the same time. Mooky's knees have been hurting him very badly for a long time now. He has various other joint pains too, but his knees hurt constantly. Hopefully they will both recover soon!

I almost finished up with the pears today. I picked through them and used up all the ripe ones.

Here's what I made:

8 pints of cherry vanilla (pear) jam - you can barely taste the pear flavor. This will be good with plain yogurt!
2 pints of cherry vanilla pear sauce
8 pints of pear sauce
10 pints of raspberry pear sauce
& 2 trays of dried pears. If we like these, I will make more.

This is my "canning grill" on the deck.

These jars, plus 5 more in the kitchen, are the ones I did today.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

A pic from Erinn's birthday.

Mooky and Kris are working at the fort in Mason this week, and I am peeling pears. My finger tips are stained brown from all the pears. I am determined not to waste a single pear, so I need to get them all peeled and cut up before they get over-ripe.

For some reason the crazy Maran hens picked August as a good month to go broody. I guess they dont know they were supposed to do that in the spring!! So, last night after dark I moved two of them to a "nursery pen" and so far they've hatched out one chick each. The other two broody hens are in the barn and they will have to be moved before their eggs hatch as well. Oh yeah, there's a broody banty in the loft and she will DEFINTELY have to be moved soon. I dont have a date for her eggs to hatch, so I better do it soon.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Erinn's gone East

Erinn has gone to E.T. with Mum and Dad again. This time Zoe and Katie went along as well, and Kiwi brought Tana up to stay with them in Lindale, so they have lots of entertainment. :o)

The antibiotic that Erinn has been on for the last 10 days did not seem to help her feel any better at all. She is still running a fever daily. Hopefully it did do some good though. Today she had an anti-viral IV at Doc's, and tomorrow she will get that again, plus a Vitamin C IV.

The Food Allergy Test showed that she is allergic to eggs, pinto beans, and navy beans.

The Lyme Test has not come back yet.

Thanks to everyone for praying for her!